Hostify : en resumen

Hostify is the all-in-one solution for managing properties and vacation rentals.

A complete PMS for professional hosts. With this platform, you can oversee all facets of your vacation rental business and even manage thousands of bookings at once. Simplify your daily tasks, organize your operations and listings on all major platforms from a single portal. Manage bookings and communications for all your OTAs such as, Airbnb, Expedia. Automate tasks such as payment processing, customer communications, availability and rate management.

With Hostify you will optimize your business management and communication flows so you never lose the opportunity to get bookings. It's time to take your rental business to the next level!


Sus ventajas

Unified Inbox

Portal Owners

Automations and Integrations

Hostify - Vídeo
Hostify - Property Management System
Hostify - Property Management System
Hostify - Captura de pantalla 3

Hostify : Sus precios

Bajo solicitud
Bajo solicitud

Alternativas de los cliente a Hostify

Opiniones de los cliente acerca de Hostify

Con base en +200 opiniones

Opiniones de la comunidad de Appvizer (3)

¡Sistema muy recomendable!


¡Sistema muy recomendable!

nixxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxez, públicado el 20/6/21 Opinión certificada

Facil de usar y rapido de sincronizar. Las herramientas de automatizaciones de mensajes, pagos, reviews ahorran mucho tiempo y te permite enfocarte en otros aspectos

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Home & Hosting


Home & Hosting

Inxxxxxx xxxxxxer, públicado el 18/3/21 Opinión certificada

Powerful accommodation system. Highly recommended.

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Powerful PMS


Powerful PMS

Maxxx Pb, públicado el 22/2/21 Opinión certificada

User friendly interface. Simple integration. Excellent technical and commercial support 

Realtime sync between calendars on different channels, no double bookings issues. You can meet them in person on trade shows and request features to be implemented.

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Con base en +200 opiniones